Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Socially Awkward Penguin and Chips A'Hore

    Hello everyone, I've been gone all weekend, so that's why it has been so long since my last post. I was in Toronto for my grandma's birthday, so hopefully you'll understand. If not, all I can offer is my sincere apology so that will have to do for now. Also, I sat around and didn't write a blog post for a couple days after the weekend, and my Internet went out last light when the power went out, so it's probably been weeks since my last post. Today I'm going to talk about one of the awesomest memes online right now - Socially Awkward Penguin - and Chips A'Hore, which is a delicious snack I made at a bonfire on Thursday night. As I have said before, and will no doubt say again, remember becoming awesome is not a spectator sport, so get out there and start being awesome.

Socially Awkward Penguin

Level of Awesomeness: Thanks, you too.

What Is It:
The Socially Awkward Penguin is a meme whose native habitat is the Interwebz, and it is basically an archive of my life. It will actually probably save me a lot of time when I am inevitably asked to write an autobiography since I will just be able to put in a series of these memes because as you know a picture is worth a thousand words, so a meme that uses a picture must be worth at least 1,000 plus the number of words in the picture. So I should be able to write a memoir to rival the length of War & Peace. The Socially Awkward Penguin puts into writing all those horribly awkward social situations that we all find ourselves in all too often. In my case, it's basically every social situation. If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, which you do, then I think you might find some of these will relate to you as well. If not, you are lying. For shame. For more information, see this awesome site.

Why Is It Awesome: Because it makes you realize you aren't the only one who is completely inept when it comes to social interactions, and that realization can actually improve your own social skills because you know that person you're talking to is probably secretly just as awkward as you.

Chips A'Hore

Level of Awesome: Chiptastic

What Is It:
This is not a Chips A'Hore
Chips A'Hore is a name that I coined for a delicious s'more like treat last week when I was at a bonfire. As you will recall, I wrote about how awesome bonfires are in the past, and how you can use them to cook marshmallows. But did you know you can also combine your cooked marshmallow with other foods? For example, a marshmallow with graham crackers and chocolate is called a s'more. I have no idea why. Maybe because there is nothing that's'more awesome than them. Well I have found a thing that is more awesome, and it is a Chips A'Hore. I wish I had taken a picture, but all I could find on the internet was this picture from a Pillsbury recipe. The name Chips A'Hore is derived from the word Chips A'Hoy meaning a brand of delicious cookies and 'ore from the word s'more. Anyway, the Chips A'Hore is made by roasting a marshmallow and then sandwiching it between two Chips A'Hoy cookies. Also the cookies were Rainbow Chip, so they had multicoloured chocolate pieces in them, which is obviously awesome.

Why Is It Awesome: Because Chips A'Hore taste amazing, but if you eat too many you will get fat, so be careful. They are also made at bonfires, which are awesome (see Bonfires).

Pro Tip: Try combining any other food with roasted marshmallows and see how it tastes. I have tried them with Reese's peanut butter cups, Doritos, Oreos, and have even made savoury s'mores with Triscuits and cheese. I have yet to be disappointed when using this tactic, but don't be a fool. Nothing tastes good with vegetables, not even marshmallows.

Update: Giant marshmallows between Pop Tarts are also good.