Level of Awesomeness: Unbe-kiva-ble
What Is It: This website -> Basically, Kiva is a website where you can make microloans starting from $25 to entrepreneurs in developing areas to help get their business going. The person who receives the loan invests it in their business and pays the loan back over time. Once the loan is fully repaid you will have all of your money back, and you can lend it to someone else. This process repeats as long as the person borrowing the money repays the loan (you can what regions have the best repayment rate before making your loan).
Why Is It Awesome: Because you get to make a positive difference in someone's life, which is always awesome, and help hard-working entrepreneurs to get their business up and running. In the end, you feel good, and feeling good is awesome.
Kinder Surprises (sometimes)
Level of Awesomeness: Bueno
What Is It:
"I'm a Kinder Surprise." |
Now eat them. I'll wait.
Wasn't that a magical experience? Did you get some awesome new toys? Answers: yes and yes. After eating 36 consecutive Kinder Surprises you probably now know what one is in much more detail than I could ever describe in writing - I'm no Herman Melville - so I'll just let you fill in the rest of this definition with the slack-jawed amazement, mind-numbing happiness and shooting arm pain that you are probably now experiencing.
Why Is It Awesome: It's kind of like Kinder Surprise roulette because you never know if the toy you are going to get is going to be awesome like a kickass snowcapped mountain with helicopters and planes and shit flying around it like a boss or the crappiest excuse for a toy you have ever seen like a lame puzzle of stupid cows in a dumb field or a statue of a Smurf that you didn't even have to put together even though the only reason you opened the Kinder Surprise in the first place was to put together a sweet toy. It's the excitement of getting that one super-awesome toy that makes Kinder Surprises awesome. On the other hand, getting a sucky toy can ruin your day. That's why Kinder Surprises are sometimes awesome, but at least you get to eat the chocolate no matter what, so they're still sort of awesome because chocolate is awesome (I don't think I need to write a post about chocolate, its awesomeness is widely agreed upon).