Thursday, 23 June 2011

Pingu and Ultimate Frisbee

    Hello everyone, so I sort of failed at the whole posting more frequently thing since it's been like a week since I posted anything, and this time I have no excuse. I was just lazy and didn't post anything, also my awesomeness levels have been down recently. I might have to go to the doctor to get some tests or something :S At least I have an excuse for why I'm posting so late today. A tree branch fell on a power line in front of my house, so we had no power or Internet for a while, and I saw a worm in the driveway on my way back from seeing where the tree had fallen, so that was interesting and kept me occupied for several minutes. I still haven't decided what I'm going to talk about in terms of awesomeness in this post, so I'm just sort of rambling until I figure out what I want to write about. I guess since it's Wednesday I can talk about Ultimate, and unless you know that I play Ultimate on Wednesdays then that was probably an unexpected leap from days of the week to sports. Also, I will talk about Pingu because I knew I was going to talk about Pingu from the start because he/the show is awesome, but I had you tricked into believing I had no idea what I was going to talk about. Remember, becoming awesome is not a spectator sport, so get out there and start being awesome. Btw a good way to start being awesome is to tell people (for example, me) what you think is awesome.


Level of Awesomeness: Penguincredible

What Is It: Pingu is a television show about a penguin whose name is Pingu (I think, it's kind of hard to tell by watching it). It's basically a sitcom that follows Pingu's life, but there are no words. Apparently the vocabulary of penguins is limited to honking, beeping and unintelligible sounds. Also, all the characters are made of clay. Sometimes Pingu meets up with his/her(?) friend(?) who is a seal and hijinks ensues. I first discovered Pingu as a child when I watched cartoons and whatnot and Pingu was on in between shows. I'll see if I can find an clip on YouTube to help you understand the epic awesomeness that is Pingu. Observe.

Why Is It Awesome: Because if you are a kid, then Pingu is entertaining. And if you are older, then Pingu is hilarious. And entertainment and hilarity value are both key components in awesomeness.


Level of Awesomeness: Ultimately Awesome

What Is It: Ultimate is a sport (yes a sport) played using a frisbee or disc as it is more awesomely known. The object of the game is to score points by catching the disc in the other team's end zone. It seems unnecessary to explain the complete rules of the game here, since it can probably be found easily elsewhere on the Internet, but it is fun and great exercise and looks awesome in montages. I'll post a video of some highlights that might inspire you to look into Ultimate further. Enjoy.

Why Is It Awesome: Because I think sports are awesome since I find many of them fun. And ultimate is a fun sport with awesome diving catches and sweet throws. What more would you want from a sport?