Wall of text below (sorry)
Okay, here it goes. I'm Meeky. My real name is Michael, but I've gone by Meeky for the majority of my life, so we'll just go with that. As you can probably tell I am not very awesome. As such I have made this blog "The Pursuit of Awesomeness", which seems to indicate that there may be awesomeness in the future, or at least that I will try to be more awesome than I have been previously. Currently, it is my intention to use this as a sort of diary, but focusing less on drama and emotion (probably not at all on emotion because that's how I roll), and more on awesome things. Whether that is things I do or see or other verbs that could aid in the pursuit of awesomeness. I may also post about things that have happened in my past, which I feel are interesting enough to write about without putting myself to sleep, so look forward to that. Hopefully by writing this blog I will feel pressured to do awesome things, thereby making myself more awesome. I see this going in one of two ways. Either I do awesome things and then write about them requiring me to do more awesome things so I have more stuff to write about, and this continues indefinitely until I am the most awesome person to have ever lived, or I never do anything awesome and thus have nothing to write about, so both my blog and awesomeness levels crash and burn. I would prefer the former, since it does not result in my figurative death, so I'll have to do something interesting soon to feed the beast that is this blog.
Next, I apologize for my writing style. It is dry and blunt. If you drink and juggle knives while you read it could help. You will rarely find me using flowery words such as porcelain or purple, so sorry if that is your thing. I hope we can put aside our differences and just focus on being awesome together. Oh right that's another thing. I don't expect you to come to this blog to just read my stories although you are entirely welcome to, that's up to you. My hope is that you will take some amount of awesomeness away from this, and become slightly more awesome yourself. If you are already awesome, which relative to me is probably not hard, then I look forward to hearing your tips on becoming awesome. As of now I have no idea whether or not there is a comments section or a way of providing feedback on blog posts, since I just started this blog and I have never really used this site before. I mean I assume there is somewhere, or else I chose a pretty bad platform for my quest for awesomeness. So yeah, if you have tips on awesome things to do, or how to be more awesome please hook me up, as I am definitely looking for stuff I can do that will help me pursue that ultimate goal. If you have suggestions on awesome things I could post about without actually doing anything, or you want my opinion (I don't know why you would want my opinion) on something I could maybe write about that too.
Okay, I wrote more than I was intending to, so just to summarize in case you skimmed down to the end of the post. I am pursuing awesomeness by writing about awesome stuff, feel free to leave suggestions and I'll talk to you later. K thanks bye.
Your pal,
P.S. I'll work on the aesthetics soon, so the blog about awesomeness is not excruciatingly boring to look at. If you're reading this in this distant future this probably won't make any sense, since I'm sure the blog looks bad-ass by now. Bye for real this time.